March 15, 2011


First off-   Tes is asleep in my arms = pure bliss!! I am really Really blessed to have such a sweet thing in my life! I'm starting to get worried cause I can't lay her down when she's awake, simply because I never do. Why would I? I Love cuddling her! I just worry about the damage its causing in my arms because it proves that I wont be able to hold here forever!!

Next-   We got an informal job offer! Woot! But informal being the key word... hence the waiting title. I'm waiting for Mitch to come home so we can talk about it, so we can start planning a trip to the temple, so we can plan a trip to California, so we can start making money, so we can keep on keeping on!!!

Finally-   Tes is waking up.. I know it’s soon she has really got the cap napping thing down! I’m super excited to see where life takes us next. Super excited to spend time watching college ball with my man! We’re doing alright! J

March 01, 2011

Spring is in the air!

Things are going goood! Still haven't landed a dream job, BUT its sunny outside! I haven't lost any lbs from my not so loyal running, BUT we took Tes for a walk outside yay! And Tessa isn't sleeping much due to her teething, BUT she is sitting for minutes at a time, and can roll over both ways! Yes things are good. Thanks for all the prayers on our behalf.
Just one funny story and then I'll put up some pictures!! :)

We went in to get a family picture taken and the photographer told us to kiss Tessa on the cheeks. You couldn't tell that she was smiling because her chubby cheeks smooshed her lips together! After which Mitch put his finger in her mouth to measure how thick they are and according to his finger measurement her cheeks and 3 inches deep! Oh yeah chubby baby!

Unfortunately pictures are a little expensive so I didn’t buy that one to share..